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The Benefits of Remote Water Monitoring

For many in the healthcare sector, to keep their water safe is of the utmost importance. In a world of ever-evolving HCAIs and antibiotic resistant bacteria, the technology that we use to combat it and protect what is important to us needs to change also.

This is why at Angel Guard we have placed a great amount of focus upon remote water monitoring, as we see a great many benefits that such a system could grant to any monitoring systems, we do not propose them to be a full substitution for extensive manual water testing, but rather that both can supplement one another, bringing out the best in both.

Most importantly, the introduction of remote water monitoring can vastly improve patient safety. This is achieved through the constant nature of remote monitoring, with data being fed to online databases every second, users have a much clearer overall picture of the health of their system, as opposed to a snapshot of it that is gleamed from traditional methods. The wider net that is cast through remote monitoring is not only reactive but preventative, as clients will then be able to act before bacterial growth becomes an issue, rather than the health risks and costs that are related to it after the fact.

Following on from that, the cost savings also come as a benefit to many users, as the testing, chemical treatment and even repairs that are needed following an outbreak of harmful bacteria can grow very quickly to large amounts, depending on when the outbreak is caught. This form of testing proves not only more cost effective than manual clipboard testing, but also a reduction of time in line with an increase in efficiency.

Saving vast amounts of time is another positive that remote water monitoring brings, as the need for manual assessment is unnecessary to evaluate data points. Through developed algorithms that utilise AI learning, a single box within the Clarence system is able to assess thousands of data points per hour. This is due in part to Clarence taking a reading every second leading to around 5000 an hour, with a full year of monitoring skyrocketing to an astounding 44 million data points per year for a single box. All of this information is then evaluated and uploaded to the online Seraph Protect application, enabling a user to make sense of all the data in seconds.

At present, building owners and operators are required to meet strict HSG274 and HTM 04-01 guidance, which involves regular monitoring of water systems. Remote water monitoring can make it easier to comply with these regulations, with continuous and automatic monitoring providing accurate and up-to-date data constantly. Monitoring in this manner removes the need for manual reporting, which costs time and money, without mentioning that the method is prone to errors. Remote systems as well can notify and alert clients with pre-arranged limits, allowing the client to know instantly if there is a risk of potentially harmful water-borne pathogens being present and why.

As always, it is not simply enough nowadays for systems to work effectively and efficiently, but sooner or later the question of sustainability appears, the simple answer being yes, remote water monitoring is sustainable. Through remote monitoring, facilities can identify and address their water usage patterns, focusing on those that which may not be sustainable. In addition, given that you can access your data and it can be analysed remotely from anywhere in the world, less car and van journeys are needed to a site in order to perform manual tasks such as temperature testing. This alone can save up to 3.12 tonnes of CO2e per van, per year.*

Overall, the utility and convenience of remote water monitoring provides users with an incredibly efficient and effective manner of ensuring that their water is safe, clean and available.

*This has been calculated with an average round trip distance of 60 miles, with a trip frequency of 2 per week, with the average van emitting CO2 levels of 0.05 tonnes per 100 miles.

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