Why choose Angel Guard for your digital water monitoring solution?

Cost Reductions
Angel Guard’s digital water-monitoring Clarence system saves a great deal of time and costs including journeys to sites to take readings, flushing the wrong outlets, blanket disinfections, incorrect remedial works, reduction in the reliance of Point-of-Use filters, water-testing safe or low-risk outlets and much more.

Easy to understand Portal
You don’t need to be an expert to be able to use our portal as our unique AI will analyse risks 24/7. No need to go through thousands of lines of data or try to interpret hard to understand line graphs. With our clear traffic-light style risk displays and easy to understand charts you can be confident that you will be alerted quickly and be able to deal with any issues as they arise.

Increase Compliance
It’s very simple - With manual water monitoring it is common to take only 12 readings per year per outlet and trying to understand how often an outlet is used is virtually impossible. Angel Guard’s digital water-monitoring system can capture over 157 million data points a year per outlet and analyses the data for you – only Alerting when a risk is discovered. Which do you think is more accurate

Biofilm Monitoring
As well as monitoring temperatures and flow events Angel Guard is the only supplier to include the option of being able to monitor biofilm levels and water-borne pathogens in real-time using its patented and award-winning Clarence technology

Easy Installation
With no intrusive plumbing required and the ability to commission and calibrate devices from your phone 10 minutes is all it takes to get the Angel Guard’s Clarence O-1 system up and running in your building

Align with Guidance
Recent guidance and regulations changes mean that remote (digital) water monitoring might now need to be installed into your building. Angel Guard’s digital water monitoring system helps ensure you not only meet but exceed these new requirements, including the Health and Safety Executives (HSE) update and the HTM04-01 Addendum